Yay! Good news from the front. I fought a battle against fellow Emperor’s Pride member Dan and won! Woot!
He played Angels Sanguine (Blood Angels Codex) with (from memory) 2 x 10 Assault Marines in Rhinos, 1 x 10 Death Company Marines with Sanguinary Priest, in Land Raider and uh… some upgrades? Maybe Special Characters? Anyhow, I played my Slaanesh Daemons like so: Keeper of Secrets, 2 x Herald in Chariot, 1 x 6 Fiends, 2 x 12 Daemonettes, 3 x 6 Seekers and a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh. Add to that a lot of upgrades for testing purposes and that’s it. Well. My KoS mishapped and died before the game began. My Heralds popped his rhinos, Fiends thinned out the Death Company before getting killed and my cavalry killed everything the Daemonettes left standing. Oh, the Prince kept the Land Raider still while plucking its armaments off one by one.
Fun game and while we both said we had expected a different outcome, I can’t help but feel he kinda handed it to me. Maybe out of kindness or pity, either way, it was a fun and motivating game and it spurred me to go to the club today and get in about 8 hours painting =)
Without further ado, I give you…
Finished Fiends!
Colors look a little bland in this picture but in real life they look nice.
Also, I finished the Daemon Prince Aedon the Sibilant. Ok, almost, his shawl needs some highlights.
Finally, the Keeper of Secrets Clarionanoisex the Indulgent. His sword may need a highlight but he is basically done.
I am trying to write some fiction to accompany the army and it is hard to find a balance. Being Slaanesh, it needs to be over-the-top with the sensations, the depravity and the allure but it also needs to not be Sado-Twillight in Space. Hm. I am writing this one instead of typing. Here is a shot of a page. As you can see, my handwriting is not the nicest but it feels oddly fitting.
Last, I have some sketches for the Slaaneshi Soulgrinder and for runes to put on the Chariots and banners. I was going for mystic/sexual/evil/odd. I doubt I will be using very much of it, thought. It is a little much, perhaps.
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