Ok, so I listened this podcast where the hosts made an Iron Hands armylist consisting of 2 Masters of the Forge with Conversion Beamers, 6 Venerable Dreadnoughts, Rifleman pattern and some stuff. I thought this sounded like a cool and fluffy and fun list, so I started researching the Iron Hands.
Unfortunately, I found out that the list was rather un-fluffy for several reasons. First off, the Iron Hands apparently have rather few Dreadnoughts and revere what few they have, even more than the other Chapters do. Most of their Dreadnoughts and Tactical Dreadnought Armors (Terminators) were lost in the early days of the Horus Heresy and I have found no sources saying that they have been restored. Additionally, the book “Iron Hands” clearly state that the left hand on an Iron Hands Dreadnought is always a close-combat weapon with a storm-bolter. This precludes the Rifleman-pattern, which is a twin-linked Auto Cannon on either side.
Just to confound me even further, I learned that the Iron Hands very rarely deploy their Terminators as a squad. Instead they prefer to have their Terminator brothers lead the Tactical squads into battle as Sergeants do in other Chapters. Further, because they so revere their Dreadnoughts and their experience, it is no uncommon for a Dreadnought to lead Iron Hands into battle. Lastly, there is a quote in Codex: Space Marines that sets a precedent for Iron Hands preferring Razorback transports.
So. I need a Codex that allows me to field Terminators as squad-upgrades, has a Dreadnought as HQ choice and can field Razorback transports.
You should already know the answer - Codex: Space Wolves.
I am going to avoid the more Wolf-like units and abilities, like Cyberwolves, Thunderwolves, etc.
This is the list as it stand at the moment:
Counts As
Bjorn the Fell-Handed
Dreadnought Warleader. Maybe even Bannus himself! With Twin-linked Lascannon like Bannus
3 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor
Squad-leaders for Tactical Marines. No upgrades.
Venerable Dreadnought with Twin-linked Lascannon
Iron Priest
Techmarine with 4 Servitors (2 w. Plasma Cannon)
3x10 Grey Hunters
As Tactical Marine Squad. Upgrades: 1 Powerfist (modeled as a Servoarm), Flamer, Meltagun. Transport: Razorback w. Las/Plas, Dozer Blade.
5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers
Veteran Devastators
1 Vindicator
The Tactical Squads will combat-squad and deploy separately. Half in Razorbacks, half on foot with Terminators. Footsloggers get the Flamer and Razorback-squad gets Melta and Powerfist. The Dreadnoughts will be deployed together-ish with the Techmarine as backup. From then on, I havent the foggiest notion what will happen. I have not played Space Marines since Rogue Trader =)
Let me know what you think!
I knew it was only a matter of time before you found an excuse to use the SW codex!
ReplyDeleteAs clearly outlined in the post proper, there are in fact several good reasons why it could almost ONLY be C:SW. Sure, I could use C:SM but that would only allow me to make a semi-fluffy list. It would, in effect, be "Black Space Marines with Bionics" and not "Iron Hands". Further, I am not exploiting the strengths of the chosen Codex.
ReplyDeleteLastly, you are a big sissy and my mom could beat your mom. =P
Ses vi snart? Kom ned og leg!
Yes sir. Skal nok.