Whew. 8 hours of hobbying done!
Did some work on my Slaaneshi Soulgrinder. Take a look, (S)he’s a beaut!
Ok, not a classic beauty. For one, her head is still missing. I am putting it off, since it is the hardest part =/. The body is inspired by a Daemon encounter in the Inquisition War trilogy by Ian Watson, with elements of Keeper of Secrets mixed in. The skirt is very work in progress the the moment.
I managed to finish a Herald of Slaanesh! His Chariot is about 75% done but here are a couple of pictures.
The head of the Herald is a bit from MaxMini, one arm is a Daemonette weapon-arm and the other is an old elf arm from Warhammer Fantasy Battle. The body is an old-ish Champion of Slaanesh from WFB.
The chariot is made from Tomb Kings chariots with various bits from Seekers, Daemonettes and Cold One Knights.
The last Chariot still needs most of its paint.
And a gratuitous overview-shot.

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