Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A musk, soft as sin…

Yay! Good news from the front. I fought a battle against fellow Emperor’s Pride member Dan and won! Woot!

He played Angels Sanguine (Blood Angels Codex) with (from memory) 2 x 10 Assault Marines in Rhinos, 1 x 10 Death Company Marines with Sanguinary Priest, in Land Raider and uh… some upgrades? Maybe Special Characters? Anyhow, I played my Slaanesh Daemons like so: Keeper of Secrets, 2 x Herald in Chariot, 1 x 6 Fiends, 2 x 12 Daemonettes, 3 x 6 Seekers and a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh. Add to that a lot of upgrades for testing purposes and that’s it. Well. My KoS mishapped and died before the game began. My Heralds popped his rhinos, Fiends thinned out the Death Company before getting killed and my cavalry killed everything the Daemonettes left standing. Oh, the Prince kept the Land Raider still while plucking its armaments off one by one.

Fun game and while we both said we had expected a different outcome, I can’t help but feel he kinda handed it to me. Maybe out of kindness or pity, either way, it was a fun and motivating game and it spurred me to go to the club today and get in about 8 hours painting =)

Without further ado, I give you…

Finished Fiends!

Colors look a little bland in this picture but in real life they look nice.

Also, I finished the Daemon Prince Aedon the Sibilant. Ok, almost, his shawl needs some highlights.

Finally, the Keeper of Secrets Clarionanoisex the Indulgent. His sword may need a highlight but he is basically done.

I am trying to write some fiction to accompany the army and it is hard to find a balance. Being Slaanesh, it needs to be over-the-top with the sensations, the depravity and the allure but it also needs to not be Sado-Twillight in Space. Hm. I am writing this one instead of typing. Here is a shot of a page. As you can see, my handwriting is not the nicest but it feels oddly fitting.

Last, I have some sketches for the Slaaneshi Soulgrinder and for runes to put on the Chariots and banners. I was going for mystic/sexual/evil/odd. I doubt I will be using very much of it, thought. It is a little much, perhaps.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

On the further exploration of indulgence

Quick update.

Progress has been made. Also, a setback of sorts. I worked a bit more on the soulgrinder:

Most of it is not that visible but she’s got some spiky bitz now =)

And I started a mystery project that is very related to Daemons of Slaanesh. Here is a hint: They cried for darker wine and wilder music.

It is the start of a new army.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Scented Gardens

Whew. 8 hours of hobbying done!

Did some work on my Slaaneshi Soulgrinder. Take a look, (S)he’s a beaut!

Ok, not a classic beauty. For one, her head is still missing. I am putting it off, since it is the hardest part =/. The body is inspired by a Daemon encounter in the Inquisition War trilogy by Ian Watson, with elements of Keeper of Secrets mixed in. The skirt is very work in progress the the moment.

I managed to finish a Herald of Slaanesh! His Chariot is about 75% done but here are a couple of pictures.

The head of the Herald is a bit from MaxMini, one arm is a Daemonette weapon-arm and the other is an old elf arm from Warhammer Fantasy Battle. The body is an old-ish Champion of Slaanesh from WFB.

The chariot is made from Tomb Kings chariots with various bits from Seekers, Daemonettes and Cold One Knights.

The last Chariot still needs most of its paint.

And a gratuitous overview-shot.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Must... have... power...

Aha! Turns out, I can't handle playing Warhammer Age of Reckoning. So I unsubscribed and got to hobbying again. Yay me. Painted 6 Seekers of Slaanesh, only 18 to go =D

Also converted two Tomb Kings Skeleton Chariots for my Slaanesh heralds and finally started converting a Soulgrinder into a... Soulgrinder of Slaanesh.

I also suffered a major setback in that I realized that the paint scheme for the Seekers is much, much better than the one on the previously painted Daemonettes, Daemon Prince and Keeper of Secrets. Thankfully it is also much easier to paint but it is annoying having to strip the paint off of so many finished models.

Anyhow, pictures to follow during the week.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Så skubber jeg de her to frem... Har du roulade?

Studen i BT Tv

A short clip abour my gaming club, Emperor's Pride, featuring yours truly.
 Link updated - should work now.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Three is a magic number

So, I already have 2 Daemon Princes of Nurgle. One from Ultraforge and one from Games Workshop. They work great and I love fielding them with the Forgeworld Great Unclean One and Plaguehulk. It really makes the army stand out.

I can only field 3 Monstrous Creatures under the current Army Selection system we use in Emperor's Pride. So there is absolutely no reason to buy a third Daemon Price of Nurgle, right?

Wrong. I read somewhere that Ultraforge has been sold! I panicked and bought this sucker on CoolMiniOrNot:

Fra Minis

My wife, henceforth known as ToughCookie, is in the shop, being upgraded with some new hardware, so I will have some time to assemble and paint this sucker while she is being recalibrated and adjusted. Not that I wouldn’t have time otherwise, but this should take my mind off my wife when I am not visiting her at the hospital.

You may have noticed that he has wings. I will magnetize those so I can use him with or without, as suits my fickle and inconstant whims.

Monday, May 31, 2010

And the geek shall inherit…

Well, having a bit of cash float my way is nice. So nice, in fact, I had to celebrate. I went and bought: 4 Fiends of Slaanesh, a Keeper of Secrets, a box of Screamers of Tzeench, a Monolith and a box of Horrors. Oh, and a Chaos  Daemons Spearhead. Pfft!

The Monolith is all done. No pictures, it is at the Fortress Monastery. I am not 100% satisfied with it. I tried some OSL painting on it and it turned out ok but not completely. I will attempt some quick fixes with the airbrush and then give it a matt varnish, to see if that brings it more together. Apart from that, I am almost ready to declare my Necron army finished! The Lord got a small conversion: I put him on a Terminator base and gave him 2 wound counters in the form of scarabs. They are magnetized for easy removal.

Fra Minis

The Fiends complete the Elite part of my Slaanesh army, the Keeper completes the HQ part. All that army needs now is for the new plastics to come out, some assembly and a whole lotta’ lovin’. I assembled the Fiends and Keeper already and they are ready to be airbrushed on Wednesday. No Pics of the Slaaneshi models. I am looking forward to doing a full post on my Slaaneshi Daemons and, after that, on my Nurgle army which has been finished for quite a bit.

The Screamers are assembled, also and I have started painting them.

Fra Minis

I am closing in of 6000 points of Daemons. Yay! Some day I should make a list.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Immaterium spills over

Apparently, GW leaked pictures of the new Daemon wave. Here they are, with my comments.

Pics courtsey of Warseer.com. Go there for larger pictures.

Click image for larger version

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Seekers of Slaanesh (Plastic). Finally. I like the Steeds but the riders seem rather un-dynamic. I will most likely be getting a whole bunch of these.

Click image for larger version

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The Changeling (Metal). This is actually a very nice model. This more or less complete the character lineup for Chaos Daemons. The only ones missing are the Named Greater Daemons and the Blue Scribes.

Click image for larger version

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Bloodcrusher (Plastic). Really great! The current metal model is cool, good looking but a little frail in some parts. Also, it is expensive and difficult to modify. All in all, plastic 'crushers is really, really neat. This is the star in the wave, in my opinion.

Click image for larger version

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Fateweaver (Metal). Looks like a nice model but I still dont get why they released this. The standard Lord of Change comes with an extra head and it is a very easy conversion, in my opinion.

Click image for larger version

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Horrors (Plastic). Oh, boy. On the surface, plastic Horrors is a fantastic idea but this is not a good sculpt. I am hurrying out to buy the Diaz models, while supplies last. It is odd that all the great Diaz metals are getting replaced by inferior plastics.

Click image for larger version

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Daemon Prince (Plastic). Not a very good model, in my opinion. I'll reserve judgement until I see the sprues. I bet this is nice for conversions but I am unimpressed as it stands.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I command the darker Powers

Well, I knew it all along but for some, it might have come as a surprise that I am able to bend GW to my will. After pissing and moaning about Seekers of Slaanesh costing $15-16 a piece on eBay for only a few weeks, GW has finally caved and sent out an email regarding second wave of Daemons.
From Warseer:
In August, the immortal legions of the Ruinous Powers - the Chaos Daemons - will pour forth once more from the Realm of Chaos to drown the Warhammer world and the galaxy of the 41st Millennium beneath a tide of blood and destruction. Even now, mystics are assailed by nightmarish visions of horror and death, the fractured minds of madmen echo with sibilant whispers, and the doomed clutch symbols of their weak gods closer to them.
A host of incredible new Citadel miniatures for both Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Daemons armies and Warhammer Daemons of Chaos armies will soon be released upon mortal battlefields. All will be revealed in July here on the Games Workshop website and in August's issue of White Dwarf magazine, so keep an eye out for more information.
For some reason, GW did not contact me directly and I have not recieved the quoted email. No doubt an oversight!
Anyway, if the rumours are true, and there is some reason to believe that they are, the following should arrive in August:
Metal Characters – I expect to see some Tzeench goodness here. The Blue Scribes and the Changeling are the only “normal”-sized characters without a model. I doubt they’ll do models for the named Greater Daemons, especially since they are so easy to convert, it’s almost no fun.
Plastic Horrors - Sadly, rumours persist that this will be a new model and not the amazing Hedström ones that we have now. This is kind of obvious, really. If they do Horrors in plastic, they should be more poseable, and multi-part than the Hedström-metals. Still, this is a good time to grab the “real” horrors, before it is too late (Like with the Daemonettes that went from awesome metals to “meh” plastics).
Plastic SeekersDiablillas_Montadas_PlasticoThis is the lazily decadent jewel in the whores belly. One of the best options in the codex and the only way to use them was with “counts-as” or by paying therough the nose at eBay. I will get at least a few boxes of these. Again, I hope these are different from the resin ones seen earlier but it isn’t a deal-breaker.

Plastic Daemon Prince – I sure hope they made a new model. The one that was features a few years back is fugly. As heck!
Exhibit a, b and c:
daemon-prince-plasticdemonprince gwdemonprince
EDIT 180510-15:14

Seems this is the list:

Seekers - Awesome!
Bloodcrusher - Cool but why?
The Changling - Nice
Fateweaver - Cool but why?
Daemon Prince - Cool. Potentially, anyway.
Pink Horrors - Cool but also scary. What if they suck?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Vessels of the C’tan

Aha! I finished basing the rest of my Necron army! Yay! Too bad it is practically unplayable until I shell out the cash for a Monolith. For some reason, I just don't like the idea of shelling out that much money on what is essentially a plastic box. So I will wait a bit and then do it. Yeah.

Anyway. The basing is just GW Sand, Chaos Black basecoat, a heavy Adeptus Battlegrey drybrushing, light drybrush with Fortress Grey and fine highlights with Skull White. In reality, you could do without the Fortress Grey but I am going for an “Ash Waste” kind of theme with another army and I thought I’d practice on these guys. I am satisfied with the result but when basing the next army with this methid, I’ll go for a more mottled look and perhaps flick some Macharius Solar Orange on there, for embers.

Here are a couple of quick photos. First 40 Warriors and a Lord with the obligatory Ressurrection Orb and Warscythe.

Last, 6 Destroyers. I should get more.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Boredom, his doom

When he was asked to volunteer for service with the Palace Guard, Gunther had lept at it. Sure, it was a demotion of sorts, going from the Imperial Guard and back into the Planetary Defence Force, even if the Palace Guard was a supposed elite regiment of the PDF.

It had been an easy choice, really. Instead of the screams and cries of men dying in muddy trenches there would be the murmur of whispered conversation in marble halls. Instead of the rattle and squeals of tanks grinding through the mud, the dead and the dying, there would be the soft patter of slippered feet and the low hum of servitors. Instead of the mind-wrenching cacophony of the front and the sour feeling of constant dread, there would be the silence and boredom of the Palace Guard. Sir, yes SIR!

After a week, Gunther had begun to relax and enjoy his new post at the Palace Guard. Although he still felt rather like a preening peakock in his dress uniform and ornate, silver-inlaid lasgun, he was starting to get used to the idea. The food was better, his quarters were actual rooms, not just a board-covered hole in a muddy ditch, he could bathe every day, if he so chose. It was, comparatively, heaven.

After twelve weeks, Gunther had taken to drinking and gambling with others of the Palace Guard and some of the gardeners from the grounds.

After six months, he was so thoroughly bored that he seriously contemplated insubordination, in order to be sent back to the front. That or shooting himself in the foot. He would have chosen the latter if not for the fact that a good number of the wounded guardsmen never left the infirmery, they were instead vivisected and implanted with tools and pistons, lobotomized and turned to servitors and cogitators.

Standing guard in the halls was the worst part. Two times five hours every day, staring blankly at rose marble or studded bulkheads, hoping for some kind of action, any kind. The passing of a hover-palanquin became a momentous occation, the occational muted whirr of servo-skulls was sweet music and the daily routines of the cleaning servitors became overwhelmingly interesting. Gunther took to counting vermin, cracks in the walls, bricks, anything that could be numbered.

Once every week, he rotated to the Audience Hall and that was almost as bad. True, there was a bit more action but most of it was so bland and boring that he struggled not to cry out in desperation. One thing was fighting and dying in the muck for some unseen leaders, it was something else entirely seeing those same leaders be fat, incompetent, uncaring bureaucrats intent on lining their pockets and stuffing their faces.

The conversations he overheard while guarding the Audience Hall were often wildly stupid, bordering on idiocy and every time, he wondered how those people came to power in the first place. The Lord Regent, His Glorious Highness Telor Uzir wad nothing but a poorly disguised puppet for the Imperial Govenor of Veldraan VII, Raadomer XV. A fat, lazy, stupid puppet. In fact, every single person that came and went was in some way under the control of the Governor and it was he who waged war on the rebels of the southern continent, not, as was the public story, the Lord Regent.

When the Lord Regent, His Glorious Highness Telor Uzir came gliding into the room, his hover-palanquin straining under his enormous bulk, he was largely ignored by all, except for the Palace Guard, who snapped crisply to attention. Mostly. In fact, some times the only sounds announcing the Lord Regent was the shuffling of the guardsmen's boots, the strained drone of his palanquin and the Lord Regent's wheezing breath.

Obese beyond belief and studded and pierced by tubes, respirators, pneumatic corsetry and various other mechanical enhancements, the Lord Regent was a nauseating sight and, as he drew closer, a not too pleasant olfactory experience either. The sweet and sickly smell of old sweat and dead skin mingled with the cloying scent of the spiced smoke that emanated from the regent's breathing apparatus and along with the stench of seeping flatulence, made any close encounters unpleasant, to say the least.


Though nobody remembered any longer, the original cause of the conflict had been a taxation dispute between the Regent and the largest of the southern hive-cities, Praxor Ibris. As the civil war on Pashen IV moved into it's fifthieth year, the estimated deathtoll reached a staggering 500 million, roughly equally shared between the warring factions. At this time Praxor Ibris’ sister hive, Praxor Nerath had been pressed for funds to continue the campaign and failed to comply. One thing led to another and before anyone could even as much as whisper the word "negotiation", the Palace Guard, the Regent's private army, were dispatched to the city. Not that half a million poorly trained peacocks with antique equipment and a complete lack of fighting spirit would be able to even dent the hive-city with it's 2 billion inhabitants, but it wasn't long before their real purpose there was revealed. After having been pushed around by the well-fed, lazy and rather snobbish Palace Guard for a week, the malnourished, light-starved and overworked citizens of the underhive of Praxor Nerath had had enough. A small band of angry protesters became an even bigger riot when the Palace Guard ill-advisedly opened fire.

The standard M35 M-Galaxy-pattern las-rifle is a real workhorse on the battlefield. It is reasonably light, fairly accurate and very cheap to manufacture and maintain. It is also absolutely rubbish when used against an angry mob. 354 Palace Guardsmen died, along with 1272 rioters, before the shock-troops of the Adeptus Arbites were deployed to contain the situation.

The Arbites set about the task with usual efficiency. 3 warnings were duly given from Rhino APC’s with voxcasters before the shotguns and grenade-launchers were employed. 2 hours and an estimated 8000 dead citizens later, order was reinstated.


Gunther sighed heavily as he surveyed his new command. 40 Palace Guardsmen scowled back at him, probably wondering, as he did, how in frack he had landed the dubious honour of being promoted to Lieutenant of the Palace Guard. Wether it was a form of punishment for speaking out of turn or a reward for pointing out several near-fatal flaws in the Regent’s latest over-convoluted and under-considered battleplan, was unclear to anyone involved, including the Regent, by all accounts. On the other hand, Gunther reflected as he inspected his troops, the Govenor had had an odd twinkle in his eye when he silently nodded his assent. Surely, he had not smiled. That had to have been a trick of the light or the result of one of his scars.

He had only inspected half of his men when he gave up. Undisciplined, over-fed, insolent and lazy, his troops had mostly been drafted from the upper elite of the planets nobility or merchant castes while he was  a wiry hive-son and veteran of the Imperial Guard. The Guardsmen were not impressed but then, neither was he.

He requisioned a Chimera APC, a grenade-launchers and a Flamer for each of his four squads and to his extreme surprise recieved everything within a week.

After another week of training, he felt reasonably confident that his platoon would be able to mount and dismount the Chimeras without injuring themselves. It would have to do.

Declaring his platoon battle-ready, he recieved orders to join the ongoing battle for the loading docks of Praxis Ibris.

To be continued…


Settled on a basing scheme for my necron army. "The worst army in the game!", I hear you say. Well, true but this is strangely fitting since I am among the worst players.

Also, I make it even worse by playing without a monolith...

Anyhoo. Here are some scarabs.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Tomb of the Necromancer - Intro

In the foothills of the Greywall mountains stood an ancient oak. For five centuries it had stood silent vigil, an undying sentinel watching the passing of the ages. It did not feel old, did not know time except as seasons, as a waxing and waning in the sunlight and water it needed to grow. It had fathered a small grove and it, in turn, had spread far and wide across the foothills. Hundreds of small thickets dotted the hills and in most of them, the ancient oak had family.

The roots of the ancient oak went deep into the ground and far under the soil. So deep did the roots grow and so strong were they that where they met stone it cracked and split and parted. Even heavily ensorcelled stone doors, reinforced with steel bands and secured with wards of the highest order, gave way.

In the fall of the last year of its fifth century, a storm blew across the foothills. Storms were common and the old oak had weathered many that had felled lesser trees. Common storms were not a threat to the ancient tree. Rather, they were a way of pruning off weak limbs and dead leaves and felt quite refreshing.

But this was no common storm. The ancient tree felt the violence and the hatred borne on the winds. Normal storms were pure force, pure element. Although men insisted it was so, storms contain no rage, no fury and no hatred. This storm was different and very wrong. It was a part of nature but violated and twisted towards a purpose unknown to the ancient oak. As the storm battered the branches and boughs of the tree, a different and far more insidious evil assaulted the tree from below, assaulting the roots, shriveling the lesser ones and weakening the thick main roots.

After days of assault, days of constant battering by wind and rain, rot gnawing at the roots and creeping evil in the soil, the tree was weakened.
The storm changed. A subtle change in the clouds, the wind changed direction. Rain started pouring with renewed strength, the ground slowly eroding. Flashes of lightning crept ever closer to the ancient oak.
Lightning had hit the tree thrice in the centuries since it had sprouted, hardening its core, strengthening it against the elements. The first time, the tree had been young and quickly recovered and the subsequent strikes had merely served to further strengthen its gnarled limbs and trunk.

But like the storm was no ordinary storm, this was no ordinary lightning. As the storm reached its furious crescendo, lightning struck the ancient oak; again and again the proud limbs and roots, thick and gnarled as they were, were battered and split by lightning. Slowly, majestically, the trunk leaned towards the valley, as if nodding to a supplicant and with a final crash, the earth ripping and tearing beneath its roots, the mighty oak fell.

In the opening beneath the giant roots, something gleamed and shone. A metal band, still clasping split and torn stone doors.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Tomb of the Necromancer


Deep below the bogs of Sorrowmist vale, in a tomb long forgotten by most, lies Naracamus the Necromancer. Long ago he ruled all the lands south of the Greywall mountains and so terrible was his reign and so wicked was he that upon his death the people decided to erase his name from history. They smashed his statues and tore down his images, burned his temples and any books that bore or mentioned his name. They then began a secret project; to build a great tomb for him to trap his soul lest he rise again and terrorise the realm once more. They cut his body into six pieces and while the tomb was constructed each piece was hidden in a far corner of the realm and guarded by twelve paladins of the Order of the Valiant Heart.

For one hundred and one years the noble paladins guarded the six pieces of Naracamus and for one hundred and one years masons and craftsmen toiled in secret. When the tomb was finally finished, all the traps set and every entrance sealed, save one, each piece was sealed in a lead casket and secretly transported from the six corners of the realm to the secret location of the sepulcher. The pieces were surrounded by hexes and seals, secured with wards and spells of the highest order and every living being who knew the location of the site was sworn to silence and moved into the tomb itself, to live as guardians and protectors of the seals for the rest of their days.

After a number of years, every trace of the great work had been swallowed by the surrounding woods, the project itself faded to a rumor, then a legend, and Naracamus was gone, forgotten by the living and erased from history by the dead.

But evil can not be contained.

Comments welcomed. Do you like the story? If not, why? What could be done differently? Would you like to see more? What would you like more of?