Monday, May 17, 2010

I command the darker Powers

Well, I knew it all along but for some, it might have come as a surprise that I am able to bend GW to my will. After pissing and moaning about Seekers of Slaanesh costing $15-16 a piece on eBay for only a few weeks, GW has finally caved and sent out an email regarding second wave of Daemons.
From Warseer:
In August, the immortal legions of the Ruinous Powers - the Chaos Daemons - will pour forth once more from the Realm of Chaos to drown the Warhammer world and the galaxy of the 41st Millennium beneath a tide of blood and destruction. Even now, mystics are assailed by nightmarish visions of horror and death, the fractured minds of madmen echo with sibilant whispers, and the doomed clutch symbols of their weak gods closer to them.
A host of incredible new Citadel miniatures for both Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Daemons armies and Warhammer Daemons of Chaos armies will soon be released upon mortal battlefields. All will be revealed in July here on the Games Workshop website and in August's issue of White Dwarf magazine, so keep an eye out for more information.
For some reason, GW did not contact me directly and I have not recieved the quoted email. No doubt an oversight!
Anyway, if the rumours are true, and there is some reason to believe that they are, the following should arrive in August:
Metal Characters – I expect to see some Tzeench goodness here. The Blue Scribes and the Changeling are the only “normal”-sized characters without a model. I doubt they’ll do models for the named Greater Daemons, especially since they are so easy to convert, it’s almost no fun.
Plastic Horrors - Sadly, rumours persist that this will be a new model and not the amazing Hedström ones that we have now. This is kind of obvious, really. If they do Horrors in plastic, they should be more poseable, and multi-part than the Hedström-metals. Still, this is a good time to grab the “real” horrors, before it is too late (Like with the Daemonettes that went from awesome metals to “meh” plastics).
Plastic SeekersDiablillas_Montadas_PlasticoThis is the lazily decadent jewel in the whores belly. One of the best options in the codex and the only way to use them was with “counts-as” or by paying therough the nose at eBay. I will get at least a few boxes of these. Again, I hope these are different from the resin ones seen earlier but it isn’t a deal-breaker.

Plastic Daemon Prince – I sure hope they made a new model. The one that was features a few years back is fugly. As heck!
Exhibit a, b and c:
daemon-prince-plasticdemonprince gwdemonprince
EDIT 180510-15:14

Seems this is the list:

Seekers - Awesome!
Bloodcrusher - Cool but why?
The Changling - Nice
Fateweaver - Cool but why?
Daemon Prince - Cool. Potentially, anyway.
Pink Horrors - Cool but also scary. What if they suck?

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